CARE Coaching: Advancing Equitable Educational Opportunities


Creating a culture of CARE

CARE Coaching, offered through the Wisconsin Center for Education Products and Services (WCEPS), is designed to ensure that district and school-based educators are empowered to provide equitable educational opportunities for multilingual learners.

CARE Coaches foster collaborative relationships and develop partnerships that elicit the strengths and knowledge of all who participate, providing growth opportunities for school leaders, classroom teachers, and students. They use the C.A.R.E. model to cultivate engagement that is: Collaborative, Actionable, Responsive, and Empowering.


*CARE Coaching is a program designed and implemented by WCEPS.


CARE coaches value a culture of collaboration within and across the school community.


CARE coaches focus on actionable changes in practices that can quickly enhance learning.



CARE coaches are responsive to the needs of educators and the learners they serve.



CARE coaches empower partners to become culturally responsive, reflective, & self-directed.

How we coach

CARE Coaches meet you where you are and help you get where you want to go! During coaching sessions, whether in-person or online, coaches offer guiding questions, opportunities for reflection, time for sharing and debriefing, and goal setting for ongoing work. Expected outcomes for each of the different partnerships are outlined below.

Coaching for Leaders and Leadership Teams

  • Improve data analysis
  • Develop effective improvement plans
  • Create structures to effectively implement the plan
  • Engage in ongoing data collection to determine effectiveness

Coaching for Instructional Coaches

  • Increase ability to support teachers of multilingual learners
  • Model planning conversations and interactions with teachers
  • Enhance capacity to provide individualized support for teachers

Coaching for Teachers

  • Identify needed changes in professional practice
  • Enact pedagogical approaches that meet the needs of all students
  • Reflect on successes and determine next steps
  • Principle-specific topics

Coaching for Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

  • Identify needed changes in professional practice
  • Enact pedagogical approaches that meet the needs of all students
  • Support peers in gathering and analyzing classroom-based data
  • Reflect on successes and determine next steps

About Us

We are a team of coaches committed to empowering educators to enhance their professional practices and ensure that multilingual learners have equitable educational opportunities and outcomes. The C.A.R.E. Model, unlike other coaching models, is explicitly focused on enabling educators to meet the needs of their culturally and linguistically diverse learners. As champions of equity for multilingual learners, the team will respectfully challenge deficit thinking and practices that prevent educators and students from achieving their full potential.


Contact Us

WCEPS does not share contact information with anyone but the copyright owners. By providing us with your email address, you agree to allow us to use your email to send you updates from our team. We ask that you please use your school-issued email address if possible.

We respond to all requests within 24 hours. 

If you have not received a response please call us at 877-272-5593. If you do not receive an email from us, it is likely your email bounced back due to a firewall issue with your district. Please provide a direct phone number to ensure we are able to contact you about your request.