Woman in blue shirt and black glasses giving a speech

WIDA School Improvement System (SIS)



As you start down the pathway for language learner success, it’s best to assess your needs to establish a starting point. The WIDA School Improvement System (WIDA SIS) is an online school-wide needs assessment, leadership development tool, and feedback system that supports leadership for the teaching of English Learners (ELs).

Rather than focus on an individual school leader, WIDA SIS utilizes a multi-source comprehensive survey to assess core leadership practices that are distributed across the school building. In a given school, teachers, administrators, and instructional support staff are eligible to take the survey. Upon completion of the survey, users receive immediate targeted data and feedback designed to support school improvement and professional growth focused on teaching and supporting ELs.

Education leaders and teachers leverage WIDA SIS data to inform their own coaching needs and professional learning opportunities. The Pathways team works with WIDA SIS users to help create their own path to enhance school-wide teaching of English Learners. The action-based data generated by WIDA SIS is called upon throughout a pathway until it is time to reassess and measure growth over time.

WIDA SIS measures leadership in five core domains:

Focus on Leadership to Support English Learner

Promote Effective Teaching Practices and Services for English Learners

Promote Effective Teaching Practices and Services for English Learners

Leverage Multiple Resources to Meet the Needs of English Learners

Foster an Inclusive School Learning Environment

WIDA SIS is available to schools and school districts on a 12-month subscription basis.

During that 12-month time period, school and district leaders receive:

  • Access to multiple administrations of the WIDA SIS online survey
  • Access to the user-friendly WIDA SIS online reporting system
  • Implementation support for survey administration
  • Post-implementation support in navigating the WIDA SIS online reporting system.

You can view sample WIDA SIS survey items and navigate the online reporting system. You may also request a demo of the WIDA SIS, and we would be happy to set up a time to connect with you.

Ready to get started with a WIDA SIS or have questions?

Reach out to one of our consultants today!

WIDA SIS was developed in collaboration with the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL). Developed and validated at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, CALL is a school-wide leadership and assessment system that measures and supports instructional leadership. Please take the opportunity to learn more about CALL. While CALL focuses on more general leadership practices for school improvement, WIDA SIS focuses more specifically on school-wide leadership practices that affect teaching ELs.

WIDA is not responsible for the use or results of WIDA SIS.